All of my content (photography, recipe instructions and writing) is copyrighted material and protected by international copyright laws.
Furthermore, I have spent an enormous amount of time, energy and effort into producing it (check out how much it took out of me in the first month alone).
That being said, the internet was made for sharing, and I’m flattered that you may want to feature a recipe on your site. In that instance, you may choose either (not both) of the following options:
- PHOTOS – Republish one photograph from a recipe while linking back to both the blog post and the homepage. For example, you could say: “This beautiful heirloom carrot cake recipe looks absolutely perfect for our Easter dinner.” [carrot cake photo] Visit Cast Iron Canteen for the full recipe.
- RECIPES – Republish a recipe without accompanying photograph. Please credit Cast Iron Canteen (with link) as author and link back to the original blog post. For example, “this recipe for turkey bacon wrapped chicken breasts is by Cast Iron Canteen.
It is not OK with me to take my photos and use them without linking back. The rules are simple and generous. If you have any questions, please ask! It’s always free to ask, and I promise, I don’t bite (unless you’re taking without linking back)!
If you would like to use my photography or writing for commercial or other purposes, I do not allow this until we have worked out an arrangement. Thank you for your understanding. Please email me with questions or to request permission. I work hard to come up with at least somewhat original ideas, and unlike other sites, I don’t update daily because this is a challenging process.